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Thought yall might find drippys hatred towards my funny

Started by pin, July 03, 2016, 01:12:39 PM

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Watch the video, i have had multiple random kicks like this in the past and i just cannot seem to understand hes problem towards me he kicks me for everything, i was kicked and banned for five minutes for saying "Is it just me who is lagging" Which it wasn't "

The catch was, the spot was not needed as i could join after ..... He just wanted an argument :)


"Spot Needed"

Makes me think the server was full, and you were in spec?


nope i was playing scout at the time, he tends to kick me randomly, turns out there was no spot that was needed :/ i even had the flag so yeahh it was purpose to troll me/piss me off


I used to play at Dippy's server for years, and I can tell you 5 minute bans are auto kicks for whining, yes saying lag is considered whining on that server. The whines eventually build up to longer ban periods then a total gag. I would avoid that server like the plague! The gameplay tends to be slow, the "fag stack" (as I call it) is incredible, they refuse to autoassign, and will stay in spec till they can join the stacked team.

Drippy also tends to be a megalomaniac. I like to think of him as the Man behind the curtain from the Wizard of Oz, He's a very little man with a huge ego. I think that about sums him up fairly accurately I'd say.


Yeah a lot said that about him and i find it to be true sadly, you would think he would have a bit more respect for the people playing on his servers. Oh well, hello battlezone i'm back :)


Oh Hi. I actually find drippys ok. Most times people just play and there is no need for admin and usually there is no admin around anyway.


If you feel he is okay that is no problem but as you can see to me he isn't and a lot of the time drippy is actually present you just don't know.


Pin is my friend, and I enjoy his company on TFC. 

I have decided to troll, however:  Pin really does whine a lot (not kidding).

Drippy is a troll for sure, too.  Probably a megalomaniac as well, just as somebody else mentioned. 

Pin has to learn to do things the way I do.  No whining, but showing all the TFC admins who the "boss" of TFC is. ...okay just joking here..

Drippy has flaws, just as Master does.  Both are on my prayer list, however.  Both need Jesus just as much as I do.


Quote from: Jesus_is_King on July 04, 2016, 02:00:03 PM
Pin has to learn to do things the way I do.  No whining, but showing all the TFC admins who the "boss" of TFC is.
The boss of TFC is and always will be Master. Stop trying Troll is King.

But on a serious note, i've never met Drippy's or played with him before but according to what most players say, he seems like an asshole to me. Maybe he really is a troll but i've seen some Steam user's profile comments and he said that Drippy banned him for whining that there was a hacker in the server (when there really was one). And the ban was permanent. Tbh you can find a lot of players complaining about Drippy's 2fort and the admins' behavior.
A troll? I wouldn't say so.

I guess this says it all:
Urban Dictionary
A specific TFC server that is frequented by average skilled players who believe they are above average, although players are dazzled by nice modifications, the substance of the gameplay is lackluster and lame, the server is characterized by unorganized game play, overdone strict communication rules, and an abundance of spam.
I just can't stand how bad the gameplay is on Drippy's 2fort.
To be surprised or not, this is from 2006 which is exactly 10 years old.

Then here is some cringy review about Drippy's:
QuoteThe best TFC server currently available. provides great modifications, and an even better stats site.
"Dude, its raining on Drippy's 2fort right now. i'm gonna join and get my stats up!"
Guy probably got banned a day later.

Though I didn't see any banning problems on Drippy's 2fort these days (probably because i'm playing on different time) and players seem to be nice but noob-ish but nice and some are assholes too for fucks sake. Anyways, welcome back to the -[EVIL]- servers!

NEWS: Please don't feed the trolls.


'The boss of TFC is and always will be Master. Stop trying Troll is King.'


'and players seem to be nice but noob-ish but nice'



Quote from: CondensationMan on July 06, 2016, 07:45:10 AM
'The boss of TFC is and always will be Master. Stop trying Troll is King.'


'and players seem to be nice but noob-ish but nice'

What is there that you cannot understand?


Quote from: ShouldBeNew_ on July 06, 2016, 08:50:18 AM
Quote from: CondensationMan on July 06, 2016, 07:45:10 AM
'The boss of TFC is and always will be Master. Stop trying Troll is King.'


'and players seem to be nice but noob-ish but nice'

What is there that you cannot understand?

  I understand just fine. I am just being in awe of how you can ass-kiss AND trash talk all in one post. Master is trying to keep tfc going, but he does not run it,...yet.
I recently saw you on drippys server last week and you commented on how evil had too many admins and were unorganized.
  I like both drippys AND evil servers.


Quote from: CondensationMan on July 06, 2016, 11:21:31 AM
Quote from: ShouldBeNew_ on July 06, 2016, 08:50:18 AM
Quote from: CondensationMan on July 06, 2016, 07:45:10 AM
'The boss of TFC is and always will be Master. Stop trying Troll is King.'


'and players seem to be nice but noob-ish but nice'

What is there that you cannot understand?

  I understand just fine. I am just being in awe of how you can ass-kiss AND trash talk all in one post. Master is trying to keep tfc going, but he does not run it,...yet.
I recently saw you on drippys server last week and you commented on how evil had too many admins and were unorganized.
  I like both drippys AND evil servers.
First of all mister Condensation Man, you need to understand what sarcasm is, because clearly you do not. For an example:
QuoteThe boss of TFC is and always will be Master. Stop trying Troll is King.
I thought this is some obvious sarcasm?

Secondly, if you think that I talk a bunch of bs, then you better look at your own chat logs.

What is it with this behavior? You are Canadian and your typing is like English isn't your first language.

Please Condensation Man, just leave Team Fortress Classic already. Not even your former best friend Turpow likes you. You lost the battle for the TFC forums and don't even bother telling me that the alt got banned, because I have you nicknamed.

Now tbh Condensation Man, WHO does like you? I remember more than two times that you were in-game TFC 24/7 when I had you on my friend list. Does your PC never blow? Oh wait, it doesn't have a turn off button!

You are a bigger troll than Jesus is King. And some time before Turpow left Steam, he told me that you are being home schooled. Is that correct?

Anyways, I suggest that you improve your behavior because you're getting nowhere with this.


Where , in any of my posts, do I make a point of where I dont like evil server?
Or any of the admins?
All the other stuff you show is just talk.
YOU, on the other hand, talked about you would would never want to be an admin on evil because there are to many of them and they are unorganized.

I thinks its YOU Shouldbenew, that does not get sarcasm and you are just upset that you never got to be admin when you applied.

All other admins seem good, especailly since master cleaned house.


You are completely missing the point.

QuoteWhere , in any of my posts, do I make a point of where I dont like evil server?
Or any of the admins?

I didn't even say that in my reply to you. You're implying that I claimed that you don't like the EVIL server when I didn't even say that in my previous post.

QuoteYOU, on the other hand, talked about you would would never want to be an admin on evil because there are to many of them and they are unorganized.
Yes, I did say that I don't want to be an -[EVIL]- admin because there seems to be enough admins to take care of the job, however I never said that they are unorganized. If there's something similliar I said to that, I said that some of the admins are offline too much (some low councils) and some play too little.
And because of those reasons (like me being offline too much), i'm not a candidate for admin anymore.

QuoteI thinks its YOU Shouldbenew, that does not get sarcasm
Ummm... were you being sarcastic in any of these posts? If you're going to talk about the chat log, I don't recognise the "obvious" sarcasm there, you're more like making fun out of other people in-game than being sarcastic.
Quoteand you are just upset that you never got to be admin when you applied.
First of all, i'm not upset that I never got to be admin, there's a lot of other guys that can do the job and because I see that, i'm not going to be a candidate for admin anymore. And through time I reallized that I was waaaay too inactive and that I did waaay too many mistakes to be admin. But in the end, i'm not upset.

QuoteAll other admins seem good, especailly since master cleaned house.
I never hated the admins and just like I said before, if I ever complained about admins then it was because they were way too inactive and offline. BUT! Everyone thinks that I meant ALL admins including the high councils but I forgot to mention that if I ever did talk about the admins, it was about the new low council ones that got accepted. But in the end, i'm not against those guys.

Now let me tell you something Condensation Man, ever since I met you in 2014, your typing hasn't changed NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT. Yes, you're doing the same typing mistakes EVER since THEN. I didn't even see you improving your typing in 2 years.
Either you're just a big troll or you have some serious mental problems with studying.