
Please do not feed the trolls.

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Spamming Spawn

Started by SpamDaddy!, June 21, 2013, 10:01:24 PM

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This week someone reported to deadly I was blocking and spawn spamming. I do not do these things. But, deadly, as a responsible admin gave me a heads up and a warning.

LilBoo warns me for concing to NME battlements and poisoning and running. Says I am harrasing newbs and its like spawn camping.

Then today Saleen warns me for talking disrespectfully tpo other players (Toke), yeah I was an ass..he was speed bhopping thru our spawn and leaving nades behind.

NOW Tonight I get on and Monkey, Marshall, thesetacosaregood, The carver, Neo and whois decide to lock down our spawns with MASS spam as we have a blue flag 10 feet from the cap. Not an admin in sight.

And due to that fact Marshal and the Carver decide to talk shit to me and say when the cats away the mice will play.

Please for the love o god do SOMETHING about THESE players who DO do crap.

I don't do ANY of that stuff yet for some reason I am getting targeted. If you don't believe me watch me play (incidentally Lilboo was one of the people I poisoned and died before he decided to "warn" me).

P.s. Now The Carver switched from blue to red to team infect


I vouch for Spam Daddy. He has always been a class act in the server. I think he gets caught playing with admins who follow the rules very stricly; however, at night, there aren't as many admins to enforce rules.



Yes I agree and admit to what you said about me warning you. Id prefer to at least warn first before I do something drastic - especially to regular players such as yourself.

With that being said, the next day you did apologize to me for your behavour - thank you for that. As I said - we are there to make sure everyone has fun.

monkey has been a problem, Ive personally permanently banned him 3 times, and once more for another monkey (not sure who was the real one, so banned them both). Banned for evading a ban.

Entering enemy respawn is *NOT* permitted and if I catch anyone doing so they will be banned. If im in a decent mood, the ban will be short, say an hour or two, if im in a bad mood or if the player has done it lots and wont learn - perm ban is his reward if caught. Also, if Ive given a warning to the entire server, and someone still does it - ban.

Team infecting is also not permitted. Its the same as team shooting or team shooting team mg's, its not permitted. Kicking of these players first, if they continue, a ban.

Spamdaddy: you and are are steam friends so if you dont see anyone on, feel free to msg me to at least see if im on my computer. If I am, I will come in and clean the place up.

I have spec'd you many times - but not JUST you, so dont think im targeting you. If a player, known or not, tells me that a certain player is doing something wrong I will spec them regardless but yes i have spec'd you but again, dont feel im targeting you. Now, there also 'whiners' who constantly whine that someone is doing something wrong and those known whiners I ignore for the most part.

Nading/emping/pilling enemy respawn is *NOT* permitted. period. If i catch someone they may be warned, but may also just be kicked or more than likely  temp banned.

Also keep in mind a couple things: each admin will react differently, and that we are being more vigilant in enforcing the rules, and are literately taking notes when we do administrate.


Thanks for listening guys and thanks for the backup Craw...I do get a crap attitude sometimes cuz I come here to blow off "steam" no pun intended. That's no excuse and I am a grown man so I will try and get that part straight.


Every one of the players SpamDaddy mentioned, i don't like.  They are trolls, and all have had numerous warnings from us.  They will be dealt with decisively... if they chose to offend again.  The problem is we can't be on the server 100% of the time.  We all have our real life jobs and so forth.  However, we do what we can to make your play as pleasant as possible, by enforcing and maintaining the rules to make the game fair, and fun for everyone (except for the trolls, of course)  Thank you for the heads up, and we will keep an eye out and our whips ready. ;)
Being an admin is similar to being a babysitter, but without having to change the diapers!

dire wolf

just got kicked for spamming spawn, however it seems that now spam is 1 or 2 grenades and im not sure it was even right on the spawn door, are you kicking people just for that, really.  is this server not dying??

im using my donor card on this.  pretty annoyed that i cant play cuz an analadmin just happened to be online.  show yourself bro, who banned me. 


dunno your steam id so dont know if it was me or not. doesnt matter.

Players who constantly run by enemy respawn, and tossing a nade/emp/pill/mirv at or towards respawn is not permitted. pretty hard to play when you cant even get out of respawn. im sure you wouldnt like it either if you couldnt get out to play because someone is standing there camping killing you as soon as you open the door to leave, or constantly nading you.

"analadmin" - the Evil servers have rules, and yes we are enforcing them. Getting rid of the players who want to constantly break the rules so the rest can enjoy the game.

"pretty annoyed that i cant play cuz an analadmin just happened to be online" so what you're saying is, you're breaking the rules and just happened to be caught because an admin arrived. well, too bad, dont do it period because you never really know when an admin will be there, or who will call one in.

I dont recall banning anyone with  'dire wolf' but yes i did short term ban someone for nading respawn today. I get tried of constantly warning people. esp when after I warn someone, that player or a different player goes and does exactly what i just warned about so I am going straight to the ban/kick/slay. Ive been doing short bans, ie 1 hr so if you got banned by me today, it will be over soon.

I just love when a player who doesnt get their way brings up the 'the server is dying'. its been 'dying' for at least 8 years now. seems fine to me.

you indicated you were kicked, then you said you were banned, so which was it? if its a kick, then not a problem, come back in and play. maybe ask why you were kicked so we can explain why so that you know not to do whatever it was you were kicked for again.

Follow the server rules, have fun. Come back any time. Break the rules, stay out. pretty simple.

Id prefer everyone came in and had a great time.

dire wolf

Spamming to me would be to continually go to the same place and throw nades.  In that essay you never mention anything I did wrong, you just outline some arbitrary things.  I also think you watched me and waited for a good spot to finally kick me for the hour, possibly for your own self satisfaction.  The notion of being replied to as if im a problem player is quite annoying, as well as that hour kick/ban whatever. 

This was on battlezone, where there are many player/play enhancing mods, yet nade(s) near the respawn is grounds for kicks and bans when you are ingame.  I dont understand your logic, which leads to the next question of, how far is far enough to throw or shoot infront of a spawn (esp 2fort). 


Yes i was sitting there on spec watching, but if it was me who kicked/banned you, no i didnt sit there waiting for you specifically. This ( camping respawn, nading/pilling/mirv/emping respawn, also players trying to force their way nto enemy rspawn)is a known problem so yes i will sit there watching as the area in front of respawn is the place where most of the infractions take place.

For that i will not appologize to any one for. Im doing my job.

Spamming also every time you run by enemy respawn you toss one at respawn.

Yes i get very satisfied having to spend my time specing instead of playing. The 'arbitrary things' i outlined as you put it, was what you were apparently were caught doing.

im not going to argue with you on this, nor am i going to continue replying as i have to go back onto the game and spend my p,aying time enforcing the rules.

Dont nade respawn.

Have fun, come back often.


I think what alot of players don't think about is "I only threw it in the general area a couple times to protect myself!" that = 8 to 15 players only doing it a couple times turns into spam for the opposition.

Then you have those players that knowingly do it when admins arent on and other players see that and think I don't spam compared to player X.

We can't control the other players we can only control ourselves. If you play the game right and we all play it right it wil be more fun and the bad apples will show much faster.

I don't envy Saleen or Samurai or Coco or Missy or Master or Lilboo (even if I started this thread complaining). Its a pain in the assyto keep people happy, the server clean, and the game running smoothly. But thankfully they do - just because we dontae doesnt mean we ge special consideration. When Sal got on me ofr being an ass to Toke he was right. I was being an ass and I apologiozed to Toke. Not because Sal got onto me, but because it was childish and wrong.

Anywa, I realized I dont act that way in my real life, just cuz Im on the net its no way to act to all of you.
