If: the community must be extended/You want to extend the community...

Started by Ultrakill, November 21, 2014, 06:02:47 AM

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If the community must be extended or you want to extend it, what game/what special things (like YT channel...) will you choose ?

Be polite.
Be efficient.
Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.


Social networks like Facebook/Twitter are great ways to stay connected with communities. Thing about the TFC community is it really isn't into all that. But if it were to try and expand and reach a new demographic, those are a good start.

The next obvious choice would be TF2. Those players would more likely try TFC over other games because its Team Fortress.

Using YouTube/Twitch as an educational tool, you can explain and demonstrate to those not familiar with TFC what it is and what it isn't.

The biggest issue with new players is they come to this game expecting it to be tf2. Instead of re-educating these players, our community drives them away with, "Go back to your game kiddo." comments.

So ultimately if the TFC community wanted to expand it would need to be accepting of new players.


I believe that we should recruit people from other HL1 multiplayer games. Many players don't like TFC because of the dated graphics! TFC is very similar to games like CS or HL Deathmatch. I'm already trying to find someone in Counter-Strike!


I never understand people who like graphics than the game/gameplay... If I play TFC, it's for the gameplay of that great game, same for TF2.

If you want some valve games (or mod) for extend the community:
-Cs 1.6 (Lot of players)
-Sven-Coop (Best Gameplay)
-2nd valve generation's games. (Lot of good games and players )

Be polite.
Be efficient.
Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.


we have plenty of games out there with insane graphics that are AWFUL to play.
TFC which I have been playing since it came out i guess the graphics are second nature to me,I tried to turn a buddy on to TFC and he balked at the game because of its graphics too..Oh well,the newer TF2 has better graphics and is a lesser game by far