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Infect and run

Started by Rubyus, October 28, 2014, 01:02:43 PM

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I've only disabled the things that had all the panties moist in here.

-[EVIL]- Bonesaw

Your spongebob panties are just as moist trying to defend your points as ours are trying to express our thoughts.

Jules, you just said yourself... you're likely going to avoid the server with these things disabled. If I were to say "too bad, adapt to it or play on another server", you'd tell me to go eff myself. That's essentially the response we're being given after speaking up regarding all of these fancy shmancies.

There's a lot of talk about adapting and learning and dealing with the BZ server from the same people that are refusing to flip the coin and play in a server the way it SHOULD be played. It's not adding up. Ultimately, I have no interest in making this a federal case... I'm going to play on that server as well as several other servers because there's not 1 server that caters to everyone's wants all the time. If I get pissed off, I can leave. If I don't enjoy it, I can leave. I just find it extremely ridiculous that senior members of this network/clan are so quick to defend cheating, because it benefits them, rather than being a little more realistic and civil towards the concerns of other members.

You shouldn't be able to jump from base to base. SG's should be able to detect all classes (obviously not disguised spies), bhopping should be done in it's basic sense (as in, you can do it if you can do it without assistance), capping a flag should be significantly more difficult and so on and so on. There are different classes for a reason, they all have advantages and disadvantages. Playing the game in it's original fashion means that even if you're playing l33t players, you still have a fighting chance at staying remotely competitive. And playing a small/clusterbuck of a map like 2fort is unbearable at times. Why that map is on for an hour as a default is mind-boggling. There are just way too many ways for that to turn into frustration.

Debating all of these things is a good thing. Having a decent conversation with several players is always positive. I'm not lobbying for massive changes and I'll continue to support/donate/promote/play and have fun with EVIL and our servers but I think some of you ivory towers need to be a little more understanding and less dismissive or defensive. Sometimes I'm on the server and an admin will get killed 4-5 times by another player... immediately that makes "no sense" and said player is kicked or spec'd because they're suspected of being cheaters. Sometimes I get killed friggin' 10-12 times in a row BY an admin and I'm a reasonably good player. This shouldn't happen, that often, to a player who's been playing this since day 1 and knows how to play. Realistically, it wouldn't happen if mods weren't in play. And seriously, are you really incapable of playing a game where you're not at 10, 20 or 30-1 ratios?!?! It seems that certain things that are more fun or keeping these pros entertained, are also things discouraging and keeping others from getting into or remaining on the same servers.

And no, the follow up to this shouldn't be "well since you're all being pussies about it, i'll disable some things for a day or two.", it should be "let's look into some options and see how we can progress the servers into something more people can enjoy for longer periods of time.".

I need a refill on my soda and doritos.


Dont include me in that one Bonesaw - I do feel the same as you on this issue, and i am in no way on any ivory tower. Nor am i in any way promoting/defending cheating.

I DO hoever feel that maybe it was time to lock the thread cus it seems its riling people up but i didnt say anything or do anything about locking the thread as im positive there is still some constructive comments to be made

Im n00bing along.

and on that note, i find that when ntf is disabled during the weekends i have to play differently - smarter, better as i no longer have my crutch to use (mines). I know Juliet hates them - that it 'doesnt take any skill to use them' - and no, there isnt any skill involved but CMON! its funnier than shit to constantly kill the same people with them lol :P

But please, everyone, lets keep things light/civil.

N00bing along


Quote from: -[EVIL]- Bonesaw on January 23, 2015, 11:53:58 AM
Jules, you just said yourself... you're likely going to avoid the server with these things disabled. If I were to say "too bad, adapt to it or play on another server", you'd tell me to go eff myself.

No, I'd either go play on another server or play another online game =P  There are plenty... lol

I also wouldn't say that people are telling you "Too bad."   I think you're adding more vehemence to p0izon's words than are intended.  He is, though, telling you that you should adapt instead of suggest changes to it.  Work with him, he hasn't been rude that I've seen yet. He's just blunt... or is that smoking a blunt?  I get them all mixed up sometimes..

I mean, honestly...why not?  Bhopping is a good time. It's fun. :)    It does take practice to get the right movements but once you do and you end up practicing travel on Battlezone, it adds an entire new element to the game.


p0izon an blunts...that's like Oreos and Milk d00d!

Sal, I thought your tower was stone with some moss growing on it and an outdoor kitchen at the top? If not Ive been going to the wrong tower!

Jules, if you don't play this weekend it means you Feeeurr meh! (blatant tempt to block raid activities)Feeurr mehhhh! Muahahaha!

p0, nades may make panties moist..juss sayin..old school all the way!

Bones, hears your Doritos..what kind of soda you want? Also do you need dry panties? I have an extra stains!


Truly, Spillway is a good server!


Bonesaw, please don't take too much offense to this but you are completely delusional on this remove the autobhop to even out the competitiveness issue. The gap between the top players, and I don't think you have any concept of what that means, and a good player is so tremendous its almost like a different game. I'd say go play a pick-up game at inhouse server (i doubt they would let you, just because they don't know you) where they don't have an autobhop and bunny hopping isn't turned off like drippys.  I consider myself a good player and if you don't play there regularly it's like being a high school player going against a professional sports team, incredible is the only word to describe it.

The fact that I can almost (but not really at all) keep up with someone like Klumy (who I would consider a top player) by using the extra speed and different leveled surroundings to trimmp is so much more an advantage to me. I've played plenty of 1v1 vs him on a regular tfc server and he makes me not want to play the game, and we are friends. Maybe you should give it a go....on second thought, don't do it. You wouldn't like the results.

All I'm suggesting is you maybe take the time to learn to bhop, which you can 100% do without any scripts, and stop doing yourself a disservice.

Also, It's not cheating if everyone has access to the same "mods". The fact that this server is still around is an testament to the bhop feature. The top 2 tfc servers and basically the only ones played on a regular basis are pro-bhop and anti-bhop. I'd have to say that there is something to those formulas people enjoy after so many years.


Guapo. I played there 1 day on 2fort map. You capped the flag 5 times before I could even get a sg built which did no good. I tried other players you just bounced over or around me and was out of site before I could even turn around. The speed that you move at so hard to defend it takes the funout of the game. The team I was on did not have a player that could match that speed. With in a few minutes of the map you had the score over 100 and climbing fast. Not much fun when you cant defend at all. it becomes a race for the flag and not a fight its more like the indy 500.

Again my 2 cents and the reason I don't play that server.


You have access to the same tools I use. I just took the time to learn how to utilize them. There are plenty of people who give me trouble when they play defense against me. I will say that not playing there often or ever, you certainly would need time to acclimate to the speed.

P.S. It only makes you better at the game.


Guapo read the first line I couldn't even get a sg built and you capped 5 times. My speed in building a sg at upper level is fast I was right by supply and then the sg was useless with your speed so an engineer is taken out of he game.
Rockets, chain guns can not keep up with the speed you can reach. That's what I'm talking about. And when I left you only died like 3 times and had well over 200 points.


Guapo's speed can suck it. I'd just use a nail exploit at the bottom of spiral every 45 seconds or so.

Take THAT!


p0izon's Old Scholl TFC weekend is under way. Here is the report so far:

l33t Players  NOT  spotted:
El Guapo
El Jeffe
(need more l33t player names please)
oh! Saleen (ROFL) and uh...(need MOAR names...)

l33t Players SPOTTED:
p0izon (AND as predicted) his score was -93 kills and 1734 deaths!!!!!
SpamDaddy! (score unreadable due to magnetic storm in Alabama at the time (dang the luck)

On a side note...I'm gonna take this thread even further off course. I kept seeing these cryptic mentions of "Spillway" Soooo I searched the server list. SOMEHOW I had not added it to my favorites and did not even KNOW a vanilla server existed under the EVIL banner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (kix self in face)

That leaves me with just two questions since I realized this must have existed ALL this time (If it didn't exist correct me).

Why does this thread exist?
What are we fussing about?

BATTLEZONE is the NeoTF pimped out server for overskilled script lovin' speed freak vets who want fast paced action!

Spillway is for the rest of us.

We shouldn't be arguing that BZ is way to l33t player friendsly...we should be rallying all of our fellow whiny hineys to come to Spillway and play vanilla old school TFC. I am sure we can put sounds on there to enhance it a bit if we ask master or p0izon.

I fee-uhl sew dumm. If you refuse to play on Spillway then you have made your choice!


im not playing as often due to the computer at work died. all i have to use now while at work is a shitty laptop and id rather not play if thats the case.

So now its basically evenigns and weekends only.


Quote from: schuffler on January 24, 2015, 06:05:40 AM
Guapo read the first line I couldn't even get a sg built and you capped 5 times.

This is going to sound a lot more mean than I intend it, Schuffler, but even with a SG built you wouldn't be able to stand a chance vs El Guapo.  You're not exactly great at the

With Bhop off, he'd still cap on you and your SG would pretty much be useless.  He's good enough to avoid them or kill them in a fraction of a second.


I like El Guapo, since he plays early mornings during the week sometimes, and kills me, but makes it hurt so good while doing it.

OH!  And he tells me what El Guapo means.