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Infect and run

Started by Rubyus, October 28, 2014, 01:02:43 PM

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Quote from: -[EVIL]- Bonesaw on January 21, 2015, 10:33:00 AM
A spy who can change disguise instantly screws everyone... especially engineers. That is blatantly... obvious?

So you're fighting a spy, and he disguises, you just instantly turn and walk away?

I don't understand your logic.


poizon, what textures pack are you using??

Quote from: p0izon on January 20, 2015, 03:34:22 PM
You'd preferably want to place that into a config file. Otherwise you'll need to paste it in your console each time you play.

Aqua Spy = Spies can breathe under water. They'll never drown.

Trimping in itself does not require any special command or fps. However doing that sniper deck trimp does, because you'll need more frames in order to hit that second jump fast enough.

Made a quick video testing this out for ya with 50fps & 20fps.

-[EVIL]- Bonesaw

Because a SG is useless??? Hard enough handling someone flying around the map, who's also an elite player and now one of the engi's only advantages is useless? It takes an entire defensive class out of the game... how is that not obvious to you?


Hey gimpy.......pass me some of that popcorn would ya?


Quote from: -[EVIL]- Bonesaw on January 21, 2015, 04:00:21 PM
Because a SG is useless???

I hate to point it out but a good spy, even without a quickdisguise script, is going to make a SG useless.


Because they center back stab the SG for an immediate kill?  amirite?


lol this thread is hopeless


Quote from: klumy on January 20, 2015, 07:46:30 PM
"If someone is better than me, they must cheat!"

I may only think that when someone: Hits every shot no matter how far away from him I am after he is conced, yes, conc aim can be learned, but even the learned isn't perfect; hits shots amazingly well all the time, and always seems to aim at the closest enemy in his aiming line of sight, even in tight quarters, snapping is a lol moment; knows which way I am coming each run without a call out from a teammate due to lack of information, especially if there is a pre-primed grenade involved, it's a no footstep server and sounds only travel so far even if you make one.

Otherwise, said someone is absolutely better than me.  Which includes a large population of TFC players.


Quote from: xheon on January 21, 2015, 10:47:38 AM
poizon, what textures pack are you using??

They mostly work, but the last update to TFC broke some of them.

-[EVIL]- Bonesaw

Quote from: Juliet on January 21, 2015, 04:48:34 PM
Quote from: -[EVIL]- Bonesaw on January 21, 2015, 04:00:21 PM
Because a SG is useless???

I hate to point it out but a good spy, even without a quickdisguise script, is going to make a SG useless.

Sometimes, yes. But if you're disguised and know that once you start shooting you'll lose it, it's a different train of thought. Focusing on nading a SG means that an engi has time to start shooting you which in a lot of cases means the spy will start shooting back while at the same time trying to get rid of the sg.

If I catch a spy as they're coming in, before the in range of the SG then I have a chance at damaging or killing them while they're trying to get rid of the SG. If you shoot back, now my SG has a chance to get some shots off. Good spy or not, it's absolutely irrefutable that the instant disguise renders the engi class pointless. I can't believe that anyone who's played this game for this long can't see that...

And the defense to this whole argument shouldn't be "well a good spy is going to be good no matter what, so SGs are always useless". Can you not just accept being a really good player in the first place and don't add in an advantage that's essentially cheating?!?!?!?

There's really no argument on this... Without that quick disguise perk, anyone stands a much better chance at isolating spies (as an engi). There's no two ways about it. It's not to say that if people weren't using it that I or anyone else would become godlike engis. Good players are good players... like you said. But it would help.

Venomous Fangs

The facts are, everything Bonesaw has been saying is correct. Using scripts, mods and bhopping will give any player a huge advantage over those who don't. Very sad if such players still lose against unscripted players.  :laugh:

I find this whilst trying to stop a flag bearer of the same class or even a "slower" class. They easilly out run me if scripted (I play unmodded TFC), and any successful gren throws are just guesswork before they arrive, they will be long gone before the gren primes if I wait to engage them on sight.

This makes trying to compare scores/player skills irrelevant unless all players have the same config.  8)


:::::::making more popcorn::::::: Sal, Gimp...what you guys want to drink?

::::settles in::::


i will take anything strong, not like that watered down horse piss you yanks call beer....(let the flaming begin!)

I HATE players who bhop simple cus i cant do it. im a asdw (keyboard) player so anything that requires me to do anything different fucks me up. players who sucked all of a sudden can bhop and you cant stop em.

the fast spy script no longer seems to work on my rig so ya whatever. other than that i dont give a rats ass - well except for trimp - cant get that fucking thing to work for me when i want it to but does work when i least expect it lol.

in my eyes, a player who is a l33t player shouldnt need any scripts but since they are using them, makes them unfuckingstoppable. the scout is already fast so why make him unstoppable??? he doesnt need to be faster.

if i, as a sniper for example find a script to make my aim better, well then im banned for aim botting. or if a hw uses a speed hack to give him a bit of advantage - hes using a illegal speed hack and banned.

so...why should anyone get an advantage??

players who can bhop already gets the advantage that bhop gives them, some players cant or wont learn to use it (coff coff).

we used to have a paid subscription based (kind of) advantage - for $5 donation you would get an advantage - brought in a bit of cash but pissed off the rest who didnt/wouldnt/couldnt pay.

one player would pay, play as a hw and mow down everyone in his past cus it gave him faster shooting and heavier damage and extra health (i believe?) - he would actually leave if he didnt have this advantage any more - or it was temp turned off. paying players bitched when they didnt have it, non paying players bitched when those paying players had it.

cant please anyone. ever. cus there will always be someone that has something to bitch about.

me? i will just n00b along not bhoping.


Spam - some Newfoundland Screech please.
i cant bhop without auto on, and I'm still not fast. But, I'm also completely script free. The closest thing i use is the bind for neotf menu :/
no scripts, no textures, nothing!

-[EVIL]- Bonesaw

I'm the same as you cats, I have no add-ons, mods, scripts... I don't even think I have any working simple binds (whatever key for det dispenser... etc).

My princess of a thumb still cramps up sometimes if I get on a slight roll hopping with the spacebar. But there's a few things that I feel I'm pretty good with (I should be after playing all these years!) but then I can hop onto the BZ server for 10 minutes and end up throwing my computer out the window because I can't even walk 10ft without getting ruined.

I think I mentioned this before... but I think 2fort, in all seriousness, plays a big part in some of these frustrations. I'd donate $5 for the advantage of that map being banned for a weekend.

P:S - Chips > Popcorn