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Dustbowl RTV time limit

Started by TinMan, June 02, 2012, 07:46:37 PM

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I was just wondering what you guys think about shortening the rtv time from 10 min. down to 5 min. on the dustbowl server ????



This is dustbowl server. Nah.. 10 mins is better))


Sorry samurai... I swore it said Dustbowl or vote....
If everyone agrees after 5 mins to play dustbowl then so be it..
But after 10 mins might as well play it out.
Ive had a few people ask me just change the map...


Well.. Lets see what other members think about it. :)


I would like to see it shortened. It would require almost a complete vote across the board to get the map changed anyway. As it is right now most teams complete all 3 caps within 10 minutes so a RTV can never be activated and when it does the map is reset before the vote is over.

Either this or mix in a few other ADL maps in the map cycle. Dustbowl, Dustbowl, Another Map, Dustbowl, Dustbowl, etc.


I agree with pOizon... A few more A/D maps in the rotation would be awsome... :)


In the past if people didnt want to continue with the map we were on at that time and no one rtv, well - they would just ask me to change the map to which ever. Never had a problem with doing that as that was part of being an Admin and all. Plus when you rtv, you might not get a map that you like to vote on anyway.

I abstain from voting as a) having been here in quite a while, and b) I havent been playing on that server.

5 mins on that map seems short to me personally as Ive had very long battles on that map


I agree with p0izon and saleen. Other A/D maps should be added to the rotation with DB being the primary map.

As for shortening the time, if more maps were added, this probably wouldn't be a necessity. When the servers get full, as someone previously mentioned, longer battles can ensue and be quite fun.

Just my $.02

Hello. I am here to try and cause trouble in any way possible, but I suck at it.. REALLY BAD. Please teach me the art of trolling HURR DURR


Quote from: God on July 06, 2012, 08:07:54 AM
I agree with p0izon and saleen. Other A/D maps should be added to the rotation with DB being the primary map.

As for shortening the time, if more maps were added, this probably wouldn't be a necessity. When the servers get full, as someone previously mentioned, longer battles can ensue and be quite fun.

Just my $.02


Yeah, and I will be willing to update the mapcycle file (again) but, until I find the root of the 23/32 overflow problem, we are going to be waiting, I do have plans to update the server and try to limit entities or something so that this problem doesnt happen anymore (I still want to know how/why it started though)


can you put back ksour,letgo and sandbowl back? some players want to play these maps again...


// Instruction for using mapcycle.txt
// No, you can't change maxplayers on the server, but you can skip maps that don't fit the current # of players
// If no suitable match is found anywhere in your mapcycle file, then the server just moves to the next map in the file anyway.
// Minplayers or maxplayers set to 0 mean don't restrict based on that parameter.  You don't have to include minplayers or maxplayers if you
//  are not making a restriction.  They default to 0 if missing.
// You can list a file twice in the rotation now
// You can issue a command ( rather than setting key value pairs ) at the server console by bracketing it with a blank
//  key value: e.g., \mycommand\\
// minplayers and maxplayers are special tokens and are parsed and removed before the commands are executed
// Commands are executed just after the changelevel command occurs.
// Be sure to remove conflicting settings from any server.cfg or listenserver.cfg files you use since those values will stomp
//  on the ones you set here
// The double quotes are necessary
// BTW, the old format will still work


ksour, palermo and cornfield would be GREAT additions for this server as well
Hello. I am here to try and cause trouble in any way possible, but I suck at it.. REALLY BAD. Please teach me the art of trolling HURR DURR


I prefer no RTV in Dustbowl or Vote