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Rogue One was SO MUCH BETTER than Force Awakens

Started by Nuggs, April 05, 2017, 02:58:57 PM

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*** Rouge One SPOILER ALERT ***

I'm a huge Star Wars fan, I've read so many of the books but hated the middle movies so much that I didn't even bother seeing them in theaters.

When the non George Lucas movies were announced I was ecstatic as the series badly needed fresh blood and ideas. I saw Force Awakes three times in the theater and while it had its gaping plot holes it was overall enjoyable.

When Rogue One came out I was at a busy time in life and only had one opportunity to see it in theaters and LOVED it. It was such a departure from the disneyesque magic from TFA and much more raw.

Now that they are both out for home viewing I watched them back to back this weekend and R1 is just a better movie in every way. The characters and situations felt way more real, and the fact that EVERYONE dies is something I did not see coming.

I never thought I would say this, but I'm more excited for the noncannon movies now then I am for the official Star Wars saga.


While TFA was formulaic I found it to still bring the power of the originals. It did so in such away that us old timers (I was 5 when I saw ANH in 77 in theaters in Broken Arrow, OK) were able to connect but new people could jump on and understand the magic behind SW.

I found Rogue One to be melodramatic. The relationships developed at a maddeningly fast pace that made it hard to believe that the two main characters could feel for one another in such a fashion in the last scene.

Further, Felicity Jones' character (Jen Erso) was not well acted at all...I also found her to not be a very good actress in the recent Tom Hanks movie by Dan Brown.

I feel like it was forced (no pun intended).

Best line of the movie was delivered by the droid to Jen Erso before the final battle:
"I'll be there for you...the captain said I had to."

P.s. Don't get me wrong, the movie was awesome! Just nitpicking!


Nitpicking yes lol but fair points. Rumor has it the next non cannon film
Will be a young Han Solo movie. There is so much source material for this from the books so I'm excited to see what they come up with. I would also love to see a film based on the corellia novel series.

Have you seen the trailer for the last Jedi yet? I must admit I'm hyped for its release in 8 months


It's time for the end  :wideeyed2:

I think Luke turned to the darkside.


Luke did turn to the dark side in the books and then came back as only one other jedi had done.

You might be right, I think it's alluding to rea being the spawn of sky walker and already being trained as a Jedi but got brainwashed somehow and ended up in bumblescum as a slave to hide her true power, just like how Luke got stashed on tatooine to hide him from Vader. This is really he only way to explain how she was able to 1v1 Kylo ren