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thanks sourcefroob

Started by scaringthekids, April 08, 2017, 03:50:38 AM

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some clips I saved from April 7th 2017, 7:41pm HLTV emir_r (5.49M) on my hardrive

I was told I'm low council and I shouldn't camp spawns. I made clips of the "actions" in question from sourcefroob for documentation. a player was also kicked by an admin (presumably sourcefroob who called the player a cunt directly after they were kicked). yikes.



STK - it is against the rules to camp spawns or to attack people leaving the spawns... this includes putting pills in the door.

Sourcefroob- you were killed while trying to enter spawn. You were fair game. Also, the pills he put on spawn were also fair. His flag was right outside the spawn door.


Hey guys , why you didn't do anything about SG in spawn?
The enemy can attack to the spawn cause of the sentry in spawn.


so even though the person with the flag attacked me going into the spawn, I can't be outside of it (which is where the flag was originally)? I have the full hltv saved to my hard drive if it needs to be referred to later.

then an admin action was used against another member in the server without warning? from what I can see in the HLTV, it's one of the first times sourcefroob was killed by Chu, and upon kicking Chu he called the person a "cunt". Talk about a lowest of the low council decision

logs can be seen in the HLTV timestamp that I posted.

yeah right. seems like we have a prick on our hands.


You are allowed to defend your flag, no matter where it is. Including outside the enemy spawn. If someone dropped it there, that's their problem.


That's what I figured so I wasn't sure about the callout. Note that from my perspective that once the flag carrier came out and I missed my opportunity, I instantly left for the button. It wasn't like I waited outside the spawn for anything other than the flag (no one was affected even by the pills).

Only playing the game the way it was meant to be played and not sure about amx chat threats.

I think I deserve an apology from SourceFroob. As an admin I'm unsure why he would act in such a power hungry, crass, and disgusting way.


general clan rules line item #2
"Be kind and helpful to all players, even the noobs."

admin rules line item #2 and #3
"Be friendly and reasonable
Do not abuse your powers"

game server rules, laws of the land line item #1
"[Respect Everyone]         Respect all players and all rules."

I was reminded by sourcefroob that I'm LC and I should act in a better manner but I think I abide by the rules better than sourcefroob has

can't wait to make more avis




My bad. I did not at all see that that med was playing chicken in the spawn w/ flag.

Other than that, the Chu kick was very reasonable, I don't see how me kicking chu, a person who placed a detpack (an explosive that gives a 1 hit kill of splash damage to a large area) like 10 feet away (which was clearly intentional) was considered admin abuse. If I banned chu, yeah I suppose thats a pure-a dose of admin abuse, but I just kicked him, reasonable, right?

As for the whole "respect all players and all rules" and "Be kind and helpful to all players, even the noobs"

I did call Chu a cunt after I kicked him. In my defense, look at chu's steamid. That a really short steamid, that player has been here for a decent amount of time, and that detpack outside of spawn was clearly a very cunty thing for a veteran to do especially when they have been on BZ for insane amounts of time.

I've seen other uses of vulgar language to players by admins as well, if I remember correctly a specific admin called a player "fucking retarted" so obviously its not that big of an issue.

(note: that SG builder in spawn I warned, and he changed his mind.)

Also, I never ever try to be a huge dickhead to anybody on the servers, and I try to help anyone at any given time. What STK forgot to mention in his entire stream of strong incriminating accusations, (more specifically calling me a prick) is that I helped him with the messagemode amx_chat binding, and after about 5 minutes of briefly educating STK on how it works, and how to optimize amx_chat and correctly use it, he even gave me a sincere "thank you" for helping him.

"it seems we have a prick on our hands" yeah! sure.

I would consider posting an extremely incriminating, wild, biased rant against my person and reputation on the "Clan Lounge" platform a very prick like thing to do. (if you can't take a hint, move it to clan resources pls)

edit: If I actually didn't apologize last night, I will say now, I am genuinely apologetic for my very false accusation of you spawn camping, I am sorry.

Anything I missed?

"The first blessing is peace, as is agreed by all men who have even a small share of reason...."


And now.. time for some closing arguments..

This discussion has been going on for too long, and this does seem like its an argument on whether or not an admins actions were within line of what we expect of our admins, as the player that was kicked and the rest of our players have little to no say, I do not see a reason to continue this discussion here, if you wish to continue bringing in to question if the admin was doing a poor job, this would be better suited either with a private discussion of the events with someone from High Council, or if the actions weren't severe and doesn't require that level of involvement, you may ask the other admins if you think the actions were in line in the 'Discussions and Votes' sub-forum for Low Council.

I was not there and do not know the full story, even after reading all of this thread im not 100% certain what is all being questioned here, however I will say that the actions seen at the end of the video (user was kicked and the admin who presumably did the kick said 'Cunt' which very obviously is meant for the individual that was kicked, which shows that the admin is easily influenced by his emotions, not a good quality to have if you want to be a good admin.

Everyone has their bad days, everyone gets upset over stuff, but your goal as an admin is to not let that effect you. If players know that you get upset easy, they will be that much more likely to do whatever they can to tick you off and cry wolf when you banned them for something super silly that is undeserved and it comes back to bite YOU in the ass.

As for this public callout, I disagree with it completely as it will only help fuel what trolls are left in this game/community, I don't see this issue as sever enough to warrant a public outcry to this problem, it 100% is better suited for a discussion amongst your fellow admins (and I am sure HC would voice some helpful infos if you poke them hard enough)

I could go on about some of the points and the flaws in them from both sides, but again.. this is better suited for a discussion elsewhere, however this thread has brought up a very important fact... we are in dire need of another clan meeting, it has been over 3 months since our last 'meeting' and over 6 months since our last REAL meeting, so I will make sure that this actually begins to happen again.

And for a final closing note.. Everyone needs to relax, this is an 18 year old game now.. we need to be thankful for all those players we have and hope we can continue to attract new players to our wonderful game here. Long Live TFC and all that.. My one and only wish is that this game never dies.

This thread is now locked, heres some music as compensation