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Quote from: sincie on November 09, 2016, 09:33:56 AM
Could you guys please add troy2 to the map list?
------------------- Map Listing -------------------
0_fear_tfc 187footie_r 1forttfc
2fort 2fort.bak 2fort.spampacks
2fort_sg 2mesa3 2mesa4
2morfort1_1 2much 2silo
55 5am acropolis2
achimy_l2 apollo arendal
arid arise ascarr
asti_r attac attac_b5
atticrats_ro avanti axldrop7
axlfly baconbowl_r badlands
bam banana_r barracks
bases2k1 bases2k3 beerrun_r
---------------- Entries 1 - 36 of 187 ----------------
-------------- Ue 'listmaps 37' for more --------------
[AMXX] listmaps results are being printed to your console
Doge killed Soda with sniperrifle
------------------- Map Listing -------------------
blitzkrieg2_r borderhl breakout
cablestfc cannon casbah
castleargh2 charge chemflow
chemfort_l chicken_b2 chimkey_l
cj2 cmhf coast_l
congestus coolfort2 cornfield
creek crossover2 cz2
datacore de_simpsons_hldm decay_l
deride-wtfctf descent destroy_l
donutburgers doubleface doyle_dm
duality5 dub_forever dustbowl
dustplate_a emit_r epicenter
---------------- Entries 37 - 72 of 187 ----------------
-------------- Use 'listaps 73' for more --------------
Nuggs: listmaps 123
---- Maps 51-100 of 183: ----
coolfort2 cornfield creek
crossover2 cz2 datacore
de_simpsons_hldm decay_l deride-wtfctf
descent destroy_l donutburgers
doubleface doyle_dm Duality5
dub_forever dustbowl dustplate_a
emit_r epicenter evenflow
firefortress flagcontrol3 flagrun
freefall4 freefall5 fry_baked
fry_complex fry_laser garage
genome gotham greathall3
haste heat high_fag
Huiskamer hunted hwguyz2
killbox kribrats ksour
letgo_3 mario_xmas maya
melange metropolis_beta2 monkey_l
mortality_l murderball-2002 nexus3
---- Maps 101-150 of 183: ----
nexus3 nougat odysity
openfire_lowgrens oppose2k1 Orbit_l3
osaka_r osaka_r2 palermo
pantswar pczone_battle phantom
pharaohs Pinballratsv2 PULL
pulse_l rats2v2 rats3
rats_classroom2 Ratsxl ravelin
reclusion_r2 RedGiant respite
roasted_l rock2 Roomratsv3
rush samurai sanctic_r
sandbowl sandbowl_r2 schtop
scorch2_b1 security_r sentience_r2
sharkctf shepic shortbus1a
shortbus25a shortbus3 shutdown2
siden siege skate2
skeeball_beta04 ski_gutter slamfort
smear_the_queer spaceball spacedout
Please wait, loading more maps from this server to display in your console...
---- Maps 151-18 of 183: ----
spacedout SpaceFort spy_war
ss_nyx_l ss_shortcut sundown
tanis tc_industry tf2fort
tfcborder2a thekeep torch2
toxicity toxicity_2 Turkeyburgers
ukfootie underscore_r undertow
Vidar2 Voltage wario_castle
warpanic warpath well
wolteg_r wstland3 xmas2fort
xmaswell2 xmaswell3 xpress2k4
yeger_wig z7TFC zutalors_b1
Finished displaying 183 maps in your console.
Ettamics died
] condump
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