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new pc help

Started by schuffler, December 21, 2013, 06:47:41 PM

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Thinking of getting a new  pc. How would I go about transferring steam and 2fort programs over? 


long story short hook up old hard drive to new pc as slave then down load team viewer then msg me I will help and show you


interesting, i may have to msg you if i ever get my psu for my new rig installed...


Saleen, I would have figured that you would know what you are doing. 

also if you peps are running win 8 srry I will not touch it.


I should be ok, not my first shot at changing computers. Hoping to go with W7 so no issue there


if u need help msg missy she should know what she is doing by now.

j/k I can help if needed.


Lol i wouldnt doubt she knows her stuff.

Dont expect delivery for a solid week of the new psu due to the holidays so still lots of time.


Win 8 is truly a diseased mechanism.


back up c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\half-life\ to a zip file and redownload it on your pc, this folder contains all of your custom TFC files.

I am assuming this is what you mean by 'steam and 2fort programs'


Master that is and thanks for the response from all. 
Would I have to reinstall anything.
Deadly thanks for that offer can this be done by just hooking both pc together using a cable connection?


Go on about these 2 fort programs


I was a little lazy telling him how to get files over as I was trying out a pint of apple pie last night. ty master for what I really wanted to say and nice catch about calling tfc 2fort.


you would need to reinstall all your programs, but afterwards, you would copy this folder and you would have your tfc as you originally had it.


New PC showed up today. Will start to transfer things tonight after I get home . Hope to be back up by Wednesday.


Im STILL waiting for a psu >:(