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STEAM_0:0:139339687 (1)Player nazi spray

Started by pizzahut, June 16, 2016, 08:08:11 AM

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Not often we get ban requests here... normally people dont give a shit.

Thank you for this. It will be dealt with.


I have given him a week long vacation for being a racist.

Thank you for your post.


I do sincerely apologize if I broke a server rule, I do realize I am a guest and will abide by all server rules in the future.

I don't quite understand what made that dude "pizzahut" so butthurt over an image? Some people are thin-skinned I guess.


Excessive use of sexist/racist/vulgar language is not permitted, we are adults, not trolls
[No Personal Info]      Giving out anyone's personal info (yours or any others) is prohibited on our servers, no witch hunting!

Other than your ridiculous spray (and I saw your argument for it, and do not care), I took a few excerpts from your chat logs.

"buy the game you cheap jew banger."
"dippy is a convicted paedophile."
"his real name is Shaun."
"the admins were fucking muslims."
"(Team) fuckin gypsy."
"Brooklyn is full of jews too."
"it's all the jews i tell ya." followed by "elect Hitler." & "he'll clean up the problem."
"blacks don'y now how to use a computer dummy."
"just pretend that youre gassing jews and muslims."
"Hitler will fining the jew problem."
"same the homeleand kill the jew."
"I speak american ." - Pro Tip - American isn't a language.
"fag." Pro Tip #2 - Enough to get you banned right there
"jews are bad." & "I don't like them at all."
"it's for Jews who don't want to pay yje $5."

My favourite part about this, is that this reflects your chat logs in THE PAST WEEK ALONE

I don't care if your a racist bigot. Keep your stupidity out of these servers.



I fully admit and take responsibility for my immature antics, and have made a promise that I will not repeat it again, guaranteed

Clearly any text that would be considered or deemed racist is not cool, I totally get that and agree. I do have a question concerning the spray that seemed to offend some on the server, would that also be considered a bannable offense? If so I will delete it.

See you guys in-game shortly. Spamming the hell out of bots  on the Humans vs Bots server was quite addicting, but doesn't compare  to the real deal playing against opponents that actually have a brain.



I believe your spray was something like the attached photo... I found this by google searching Nazi Eagle Flag, and it the image is called Reich Service Flag.

Openly displaying Nazi symbols is actually illegal in many countries. The person who reported you is from Germany (where it is illegal).

My country (Canada) it is not illegal, but it could be considered illegal to display it as some would consider it a hate crime if displayed in a public place.

Your country (USA) it is not illegal at all. Because too many people would be upset about "freedom".

You mentioned that it was a religious symbol, which you are wrong. Your spray was a swastika with an eagle. The flag of the Nazi Reich. The swastika alone was a religious symbol. I would suggest not using either.