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Started by Rand, August 03, 2013, 05:09:50 PM

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Yeah, I know.  Everyone knows Chopper, how he pushes the line on respawn spam, rules, etc.  But today he really go on my nerves waiting outside sniper respawn for anyone to exit, and THEN CONTINUALLY going into sniper respawn to engage anyone there.  Not that it happened today, but he is known to sit outside main respawn as a medic and have his medpack out.

He, and another player, Imabotkiller, lately are pushing the envelope on the server rules.  Botty just sits and spams from respawn, as any regular player knows from early to mid morning CT. 

To Chopper:  If you read the forums, I told you that after the second blatant time, I was going to report you.  I am tired of your not following server rules.

TY to all admins, and to all that make the servers available.


He speaks the truth.


Thx for the info.
ImABotKiller was warned yesterday and today by me. When warned today he went after me to teaminfect and did so.
He now has a 6 day ban to think about changing hes game.


Ty swede for being you.