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Trimp ??

Started by schuffler, November 30, 2019, 06:52:41 AM

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New computer seems the settings are getting all back in.
I just can't trimp up the wall on 2fort. (not that I'm great at it) but nothing at all not even a near miss.   fps  set to 100   and  1.  what do I need to do??



Maybe the plugin was inactive after a crash. Did auto jump work?
If you're generally unsure how to perform the jump, it's walk forward into the inner corner, then keep holding duck and jump in addition to forward. At top (if you gain the height) maybe turn around a little bit.


Others made it but it seemed like I could not get any height out of the jump.


Increase your fps.  fps_override must be set to 1


Bishop that's where I set it at.     fps 100max    override 1


Trimp is overrated anyhooo  :D
"You never know what you are capable of until you try."

Manipulators and other malicious narcissists will no longer have any weight or influence over you.


Try to set gl_vsync 0 and type fps_max 999 to get your highest fps but i prefer 250 for it.
FYI gl_vsync should be 0 to get more fps. Have fun.


You need to increase your fps (that means higher than you have it now, i.e. >100).


i'll try it thanks.   


That helped a lot still missing more than I'm getting. I get to the top and just can't get over.  But way better 1 out of 6 I'll keep working on it.


Never knew it's fps dependent. I usually run TFC at 100 fps which works fine and is also the maximum fps with fps_overdrive 0. I also use gl_vsync 0 since my monitor is limited to 60Hz.

Just lowering fps to 97, I couldn't do the high jump any more. 98 and up, it works for me.


Trimp is fps dependent.  Higher isn't always better, but is generally.  There are some fps settings over 100 that will not work.  If you aren't getting the proper height, change your fps.


Rate settings are more useful at trimping and using nades better. I usually use these commands on my settings work very smooth and clear for me. This feels very well so much to me.Them all::
rate 25000
cl_cmdrate 101
cl_updaterate 101
ex_interp 0
gl_spriteblend 0
gl_ztrick_old 1
gl_zmax 4096(I use 4096 as demo , 8192 as solly)
fps_max 250 , fps_override 1 , net_graph 3 , gl_vsync 0
cl_nosmooth 1 , cl_smoothtime 0.01

If you try these, you will feel the diffirence. %100---HF with it.


SyKosis, your cl_cmdrate should always be higher than your fps; set it to ~5-50 more than fps_max to ensure outgoing packets are not deferred. You can tune with net_graph 1 to remove red dots at the bottom (red dots are bad; violet line is fine). Although having it a bit high won't hurt, the point is to send packets whenever the server will accept them.

A few other comments...smoothtime is irrelevant since you disable smoothing.  ztrick_old is depreciated.  gl_zmax I believe can only be changed serverside due to exploits.


Thanks for the info bishop! I'll try them. Tbh I use those settings to make better piping, concing etc. But still it does not help me on ctf couse of high pings.
I have had so much probs while sring without cl_cmrate 101 just because fails me at hhs. Thats why i usually prefer those.