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Auto team balance plugin

Started by Nuggs, November 09, 2018, 02:45:06 PM

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Has the plugin been updated recently ?

I just got auto team switched four times in the span of 30 minutes. First as a D HW on a 8v8 match of dustbowl and again in a 4v4 match of rcramp when playing defense. I haven't RQ in a while but it pissed me off enough to RQ and come make this post

The plugin is a bit heavy handed ATM. Please tone it down


Auto balance is kinda messed up. happened the other day also teams seemed pretty good I guy left in an even team match then 1 guy gets switched.


Seems the server path has changed, and at the new location bot_bot_balance is enabled rather than just bot_team_balance. Pretty sure that's the issue, i.e. bot_bot_balance switches humans around.

Also there are two different FoxBot configs. "foxbot.cfg" should be used as it's always executed, whereas "default.cfg" can be left blank apart from the description at top. The "default.cfg" is executed additionally to foxbot.cfg, if a map doesn't have an individual bot config.


get rid of bots, the can see people from a mile away and are insanely accurate. They can be facing the complete opposite direction from me and if I so much as look in their general direction they spin around and lock onto me. also bots shouldn't be around if there are more than 2 people in the server.

"The first blessing is peace, as is agreed by all men who have even a small share of reason...."


Changed the cvar bot_bot_balance back to '0'.  I'm not sure how this got changed.  Hopefully this stops the forced team change.