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Remove ban

Started by Kempachi, December 03, 2014, 11:06:23 AM

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I come to plead my cause (lol)

This is a big badly heard(understood) because I have it to speak with Swede, other days and week a player named(appointed) " El guapo " to find me a new nickname " Kemgaychi " of the blow to answer him(her) and to laugh I have him(it) to call "Gaypo", and yesterday it is true that I understood the behavior of " El guapo " because usually it always teases me..

And made I have of to speak to a false player who to use so called " El guapo ", and blow yesterday real " El guapo " in surment not included why I said " El gaypo ".

And at the same time I understood my banissement, but I think that Spamdaddy will understand better by reading my message right here.
Swede is informed and understood the situation

Thank you for having read my message.

P.S: Sorry for my English, I use a translator. Hihi


Your ban is set to be removed tomorrow.

We don't allow that kind of speech on our servers. Don't do it and you won't get banned. Simple.


first off i dont care if one of the admins is a friend of yours or not, saying you will just have your friend the admin remove your punishment gets you STRONGER punishment - we can not, and will not allow players - friends or not - dictate what we do as admins.

It as not spamdaddy that banned you, it was me.

from the rules:

No Excessive Language [Sexist, racist, cultural, or derogatory remarks]

You were warned by an admin about what you were saying. I come in and hear you saying it still so I acted.

I do not know anything about what guaypo was saying to you - i wasnt there for that, and I was not aware of it happening and one of us will have to speak to him about it.


1st: Guapo began by insulting my friend
2nd: He puts the clan mark and country in his nickname like kempachi and me (it's [FTK]- Le Beau [FR]).
3rd: Guapo is not banned...

Why ??

Be polite.
Be efficient.
Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.


A) no offense but this is between kempachi and the admins - dont get involved please. You can make things worse.

B) as i already stated above, im not aware of what transpired between the two, just what an admin posted about what kempachi was saying/doing. And I already mentioned above that guaypo will need talking to about this from us admins in the same post.

C) Kempachi actually should be permanently banned for wearing the clan tag, and impersonating an admin. So, on this alone, kempachi should be freakin happy that he only got 2 days.

D) I honestly dont care if any player use another clans tag (EXCEPT EVIL!) - this is not our problem and we will not enforce this or get involved unless: a player that is not an EVIL member wears our tag. WHICH KEMPACHI DID.


I have had kempachi muted in game for months. I obviously put his tag on and changed el guapo to le beau. I'm not a child and dont want to get into who started it but he's constantly calling me gaypo and so yes i would call him kemgaychi. Him coming into the server and using gaypo has been going on for a long while and there have been numerous admins witness to it. I never "make fun" of anyone else name cause frankly its pretty stupid and im there to play tfc, but it gets annoying so obviously I reacted. Eventually I muted him. If i was an admin this would have never happened and im not going to cry to anyone over name calling. Just because im a halfway decent player he needed to start this as a way to make him feel better about himself? I dont know or care.

Yesterday he came into the server and within seconds called me gaypo. Again I have him muted so there was nothing said on my end. Also I had my name as El Guapo, I was not wearing his tag, I didnt say a word to him, didnt use "kemgaychi"... totally unprovoked and per usual when it comes to him. Spamdaddy saw what was said and warned him. I immediately thanked spam for saying something. That's all I had to do with yesterdays incident.

Sorry for using that language in previous instances. I'll take a ban if thats required.


El Guapo, we appreciate you owning your previous actions and ceasing the name calling. I gave Kempachi that chance yesterday. He said "Gaypo" multiple times in the measure of just a few moments. That is why I warned him. He laughed about it and said it again and this time Saleen was there. He said I got this one Spam and he took care of business.

Saleen "outranks" me. Lower admins don't generally take any action when a senior admin is present. I always defer to the senior admin without fail if one is on. Swede is a senior admin as well and would not tolerate that type of baiting as soon as you arrive in server.

Kempachi, ANY player, you included, shouldn't have to put up with racist or sexual remarks. Master owns this server and he has rules and he wants EVERY player to experience and fair and harassment free game. That said we all need to have a somewhat thick skin for average smack talk considering some of the sounds we have on server!



Completely all right with you, at first it is him who has to begin to give me the nickname of " kemgaychi ", it is only after I have to find his(her,its) nickname and it is true every time he(it) to connect I to greet him(it) by his(her,its) nickname.
I was banished for what I said, you should also banish him(it) because he(it) has to begin.. What is valid for the one and valid for the other one!

And concerning the sounds of the waiter(server), it is in my right(law) to use the sounds of the waiter(server) as I please, well not to make him(it) quite 30 dry..

I have of it to discuss with Sweede and others nobody and all support me, thus if you want to be fair, you banish 2 days Guapo because it is him at first who has to begin to treat me "KemGAychi". Not of descrimination, thank you.


Kempachi - again, *I* banned you so leave spam out of this.

I am NOT banning El Guapo. especially since i didnt see/hear what YOU said he did.

Own up to your mistake, you broke the rules, you got caught, you got punished for it. Im not going to continue arguing with you on this issue.  Man up.

Your rights? your rights are what ever the server owner allows you to have. Abusing your 'rights' will get you punished (slayed/gagged/kicked and yes even banned), example - we allow you the players to play sounds. but no we will not allow you to sit there and spam the sounds over and over and over and over.

Im not caring if others (players or admins) support you - you broke the rules, you got caught, you got punished.

Be happy the ban was only 2 days. Next time it will be *much* longer.

Also - do not, ever, wear our EVIL tag again, or impersonate an EVIL admin again as this will get you a perma ban.

Thread will be locked.


You were banned yesterday for what you said. The last time El Guapo referred to you as "kemgaychi" was on November 11th, 2014. Quite some time ago.

If you feel like we should ban El Guapo for what he said that day, do you also feel like we should make your ban longer for your impersonation of an EVIL admin on that very same day?


" I have of it to discuss with Sweede and others nobody and all support me, thus if you want to be fair, you banish 2 days Guapo because it is him at first who has to begin to treat me "KemGAychi". Not of descrimination, thank you. "

U didnt discuss with me. U informed me and I gave u advice, thats when I told u to use Complaint Department to try to be unbanned.

I never support rulebreakers so I dont and never said I support u in this case.