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Problem Players: Spanish Edition

Started by God, August 06, 2012, 07:41:57 AM

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It's common knowledge that we have quite a few non-English speaking players. IE: ANBU, Marte3000, MetalStreet and most VALVE players. But what to do when they are causing problems and there's that languag barrier in the way?

Typically I ask if they speak English. Usually this gets a "no" followed by whatever language they do speak. I go to and type what I need to say and paste it in. Then I follow it with a "Comprende? Si o no?" Understand? Yes or no?

If no, I try to rephrase it until I get a "si." Most times I get a "si" or "si no problemo" in which case I say "gracias amigo" and everyone goes on their happy little way.

But what about players who start cursing you in their home tongue AFTER saying "si?" Well, obviously you do more? A slap, a slay, something inconvenient, escalating as needed.

Example: anonimo on the shout box is a player [THE KILLER] Rey
Mercuriano who was asked to stop going into spawn. "si" Then he just keeps doing it. Slap. Continues. Slay. Continue. Then he literally starts chanting "fuck your mother's cunt" in broken English like he was going to win a medal (topical reference? :)~ ). So I shut his mic off. It moves to text while he continues doing what I asked him not to, along with his friend Alejandro (marte 3000). So I spin him. He leaves and comes back and it fixes it and he continues. So I bind some keys to "kill." This apparently crosses the line for him and apparently now I'm being abusive. I explained what was happening and get a fuckyou in response and he leaves for a bit.

How much patience do you have with these guys? I feel I'm bending over backwards to NOT kick or ban them but they just don't get it?

aFF, Master, p0izon, older admins. What's your opinion,

Hello. I am here to try and cause trouble in any way possible, but I suck at it.. REALLY BAD. Please teach me the art of trolling HURR DURR


I've noticed that player in particular as an annoyance in general. My patience on most days is pretty high. I always ignore these type of players to begin with (ShadowMelvin3333 is another one). At least until they begin to cause trouble like in your case.

I don't see anything wrong with the way you're handling these situations.


I understand your frustration Poizon hello to this problem is difisil and more when they do not understand or will not understand, so if your servers are entienndan very popular around primarily for Latinos, I had bans on talking on the other, so they must understand example, the Argentine is not always an insult to disrespect desir "HELLO fagot" is not an insult is the way to greet a friend who believe, (see a contradiction), but that only happens with Argentina is Argentina, I when you're looking for a way to make you understand with the translator and make deaf ears. I agree with you, I used to use the mic that I forget to read if an admin is warning me, what is that habeses susede insulting you and you are angry and replied in my particular situation lol I use it more for my right hand from little finger to the middle I have it disabled and I can hardly write me it's easier to talk on the mic but I respect the desicion of an admin when I designed to stop using it and respect, this is not an excuse just to we better understand how we are Argentine and as we speak, and if you have questions I'll be happy and I can gladly hayudar, I also apologize if any member at some point they disrespect let me know, I'm a clan leader, as I apologize if any of the clan or walhack used aimbot cheat escapes us anyway just found out and I apologize expelled wrong tradusido iff I also use google translator, any doubt I am at your disposal. Thanks!


It really just depends on what they're doing. I'm like p0ison in that most cases I'll just ignore them unless other players continuously complain about them. However, even then it can just be people complaining over nothing worthwhile. A gag (voice/text) is usually pretty effective in most cases.

Sometimes it does take a slay/kick to get their attention if they are doing disruptive actions. I do use google translate to try to translate english to spanish/etc and vice versa at times. That does seem to help in some cases.

Just keep in mind that alot of these players are well less than 20 years old. Some even around 10/12 years old. So you're going to get the immature responses in most cases that you'll have to try and let roll off your back without taking it personal or letting it affect how you handle the situation.